Thursday, May 13, 2010

VAK learning style model

There are many learning styles for learners when it comes to learning. Learning styles are various approaches of learning, the ways in which an individual characteristically acquires, retains, and retrieves information. The VAK learning style uses the three main sensory receivers: Visual, Auditory, and Kinaesthetic (movement) to determine the dominant learning style.

Learners operate all three modalities to receive and learn new information and experiences. However, there is one or two of these receiving styles that are likely to be dominate over the others. This reflects the best way for the learner to learn and take in new information. Although, learners usually prefer one style of learning, there are cases where the particular style may not be dominant in some tasks. The learner may prefer one style of learning for one task, and a combination of others for a different task.

Auditory learners are likely to prefer:

- Discussion,

- Explaining things to others/ asking others for explanations

- Using a tape recorder,

- They often talk to themselves, repeat what is being said.

- Read out loud.

Visual learners remember what has been written down, even if they do not read it more than once. They are likely to prefer:

- Writing down instructions

- Copying notes during lectures

- Using graphs, charts, illustrations or other visual aids

- Using concept map

- Using different colours for notes taking

Kinesthetic learners do best while touching and moving. They tend to lose concentration if there is little or no external stimulation or movement. They are likely to prefer:

-Frequent sketch breaks

- Use coloured markers and draw pictures on their notes

- Take down notes for the sake of moving their hands (and to avoid falling asleep)

- Scan through materials received as soon as possible.

- fiddle with their pens while listening